Book Review: Cat & The Dreamer

Mystery, melancholy, and a struggling protagonist in a novella that is a compelling read: Cat and the Dreamer by Annalisa Crawford

Cat and the Dreamer – Book Cover

Book: Cat & The Dreamer

Author: Annalisa Crawford

Genre: Fiction

Review copy: BookSirens

Available at:

Recommended: Must read

Trigger warning: Death, bullying

Mystery, melancholy, and a struggling protagonist in a novella that is a compelling read

Cat and the Dreamer by Annalisa Crawford is a captivating read that deftly intertwines elements of mystery and melancholy. Crawford’s writing style is exquisite, drawing readers in with its expressive prose and evocative descriptions. “My dreams are always vivid, lurid almost, like an over-exposed photo. It’s how I know what’s real. Reality is tinted with a disappointing grey pallor, washed out, even when the sun is shining and the sky is cobalt blue, or golden leaves are falling from the trees.”

One of the most compelling aspects of the book is Crawford’s character introduction and development. Readers are quickly drawn to Julie, the protagonist, intrigued by her mysterious aura. As an adult professional still living with her parents, her life circumstances pique interest. Julie is portrayed as self-conscious, burdened by the past, and experiencing waking dreams that blur the lines between illusion and reality, as she searches for “A Perfect Dream.”

Crawford expertly spins a storytelling web that captivates readers, keeping them engrossed until the very end. She presents a unique perspective through monologues, with references to the ‘cat’ that emphasize its wild traits over its typical feline cuteness. The book cover is a succinct portrayal of how Julie’s dreams are her escape portal.

Overall, Cat and the Dreamer is a slow-burn fiction that rewards readers with its engaging narrative and unfolding revelations. Crawford’s skillful writing and masterful storytelling make it a must-read for fans of literary fiction. The novel develops gradually, demanding the reader’s concentration, introspection, and appreciation of a poignant story told in a unique style. Importantly, the book sheds light on the complexities of adolescence, the impact of peer influence on young adults, and the burdens one can carry throughout life.

I received an advance review copy for free from BookSirens and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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